Corey Swan Is a proud native Texan and the founder of Hypologist. He grew up in the small east Texas town of Greenville where he was an athletic standout in multiple sports.
A pivotal point in Coreys’ life was when he broke a school track record as a novice runner. His favorite coach had major collegiate track expectations for him. But four days later he carelessly missed the start gun of the state track meet. He lost the respect of his coach and mentor, and he lost the courtship of college recruiters.
Four months later Corey quit on the same coach, half way through his senior basketball season, letting down the town and his teammates.
This continued a selfish pattern of ignoring authority and wise council. ( If you or someone you know has a Prodigal Child text GotChaos 72000 for more information) *Corey is the expansive brand creator for MYPRODIGALROAD
Determined not to end his athletic career in shame, Corey did whatever was necessary to play basketball. After a brief junior college stop, where he played basketball with some of the best D1 transfers in the country, he proved he could play at the next level.
Plagued by injuries that left him sidelined most of his collegiate career, Corey refused to quit again, but rather encourage everyone in his path. His collegiate basketball career was underwhelming, but this began an awakening to find an identity not based on physical gifts.
In his spare time, he graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a double major in Finance and Economics, but received zero interest from the NBA.
( He is still waiting on a consulting offer from his beloved Dallas Mavericks )
In shame, 5’11 Corey moved to New York to work on Wall Street. There he earned 5 securities licenses. He helped find differentiators in initial public offering ( IPO’s) making them more attractive to investors. At the wise old age of 23, Corey loudly questioned if traditional Wall Street was the best way for investors to see optimal return on investment. Shortly before 9/11, young Corey bid farewell to his fellow wolves on Wall Street and the World Trade Center Tower 2 where he officed.. He made a brief stop in St. Lous where he became an Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS) … but who cares? Then he moved back to his native Texas.
His crisis of conscience continued with corporate America. In Dallas he focused on investment banking for professional athletes. The uncontrollable outside variables of the market made him question the products he was recommending, and the people behind the process. Corey realized it was time to set out on his own as he could no longer justify putting his client / friends in products he didn’t stand behind.
Armed with Wall Street bravado, Corey knew his first business idea would be a slam dunk. A beef jerky line. But like his basketball career, his first company was left battered and injured. His celebrity -based, uniquely-flavored, QR-coded product was the first of its kind. But in 2009 Walmart had no idea what a QR code was. Corey painfully learned that a business can have the greatest product in the world, but if the people and process don’t equal the quality, it will fail. This mistake paved a path to move millions of dollars in retail products in the future.
Undaunted by his first business “failure,” Corey cofounded a digital agency in 2012 called ATM. Attract, Talk, Monetize became the first of many acrostics Corey used to get his message across. The mid-2000’s saw an explosion of social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube). Corey’s agency adeptly leveraged these platforms to help business owners bring in more clients and customers based on a proprietary digital formula. His agency grew successfully and became attractive to investors. Despite an unexplained illness, Corey had built enough value in ATM to warrant a significant equity investment. While scaling ATM, His health and energy entered severe decline. Doctors could not explain this sudden lapse in vitality. From that point on, Corey’s world was turned upside down. He had developed a painful pancreatic tumor that required major surgery in 2014. Although the tumor was benign, it had grown to golf ball size and was slowly killing him.
He did manage to receive a Masters in Marketing from SMU COX School of Business. But his real education came from learning to depend on God..
After unsuccessfully consulting with 40 doctors for answers, and wracking up large medical bills, Corey decided to entrust his dying body to God’s timeline. His total focus then centered around wholistic health and Bible memory. His only desire was to know God deeper and heal his suffering body through healthy juice, diet, and exercise. Corey was stripped of energy, vitality, athleticism, finances, and a ”worldly success story.”
His search for health spawned a business relationship with ( where he got the company retail ready and introduced them to several locations in Texas. His experience also helped develop a product line for major big box retail.
In 2017, Corey tweaked his propriety digital formula and tested it in the world of politics. Monetization in the form of votes looked similar to growing a ministry or increasing retail sales. Though his process worked in the political arena, he still felt his true calling was to promote Bible memory. ( LAUNCHING SOON)
Corey realized his identity was not based upon sports or business acumen, but IN Christ. Amidst his health sufferings, his passion project was born; BibleLytics. This idea would help others learn what ‘The Bible Tells Us‘ and know God by memory.
In 20+ years Corey has made the transition from the most established of business industries (Wall Street) to the new, uncharted frontier of “intentional digital.” His twenty-year transition has taught him the entire life cycle of a business. From idea to exit: and everywhere in between.
He calls this Digital Intentionality. (
* currently pursuing a PHD in theology
Lyndal Weaver -Coach
UT Dallas
Chad Martinez - Teammate 98-00
UT Dallas
Chad Bagnell - Teammate 98-00
UT Dallas
Brent Harolle - Teammate 98-00
UT Dallas
Bryon Harrison - Teammate 99
UT Dallas
Chris Dowling- Teammate 98
UT Dallas
Brian Thomas - Teammate 99-00
UT Dallas